Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jon and Kate

The National Enquirer has an article about Jon and Kate Gosselin in their paper this week saying the Gosselins although not pleading poverty are now charging 20.00 dollars for a photograph of the family and also have a plate passed around for donations for them after and during their speaking engagements in churches and other venues.
It's time the Gosselins were exposed for the charlatans they really are. Kate claims that when funds from the tv show stops they will have to make a living somehow to support their million dollar lifestyle of expensive homes, gardeners, organic chefs, housekeepers, and personal assistants.
The Dilley Sextuplets and other families who have had multiples born to them seem to be getting along just fine without all the perks that the Gosselins seem obsessed in acquiring.
Perhaps Kate can take lessons on how to live frugally from Mrs. Dilley, Mrs. Duggar and even my grandmother who raised 21 children without so much as a food stamp or social service benefit.